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Upcoming Events

SSI at the SolarPower Summit in March 2025

Join the SSI at the SolarPower Summit at the Albert Hall, Brussels. We will be attending 26-27th March to hear directly from decision-makers, engage with industry experts, and connect with peers.


Past Events

Solar Stewardship Initiative debut at Intersolar 2024

This year saw the Solar Stewardship Initiative (SSI) debut at Intersolar Europe, the yearly solar industry trade show in Munich, Germany (18-21 June). We made the most out of the event with an insightful presentation by Alexia Ruvoletto, Head of Secretariat, at the Intersolar conference, and our first in-person SSI Board meeting.

Alexia Ruvoletto and Julija Menise

OECD Responsible Mineral Supply Chain Forum 2024

This year, Alexia Ruvoletto and Julija Menise from the SSI Secretariat participated in the annual OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains. In addition to meeting with several civil society organisations and international organisation representatives, Alexia and Julija attended the session on ‘Human Rights Due Diligence in Upstream Mineral Supply Chains of Solar & Wind Energy Sectors,’ organised by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.


Sustainable Solar Europe 2023

Join us in person in Brussels for the annual gathering of professionals and policymakers working to take solar sustainability to the next level. Topics range from sustainable project development, to tackling sustainable supply chains. This year’s edition will mark the official launch of the Solar Stewardship Initiative. Attendees will get in-depth knowledge of industry best practices, regulatory and policy updates, surrounded by a great environment for networking opportunities.


The Solar Stewardship Initiative: Join the future of sustainable solar

Join us for our webinar on 9 November at 14:00 CET, to learn more about the SSI system, its governance, and how your organisation can join. Following the pilot, the public consultation, and the publication of the SSI ESG Standard, the Solar Stewardship Initiative is now welcoming members (manufacturers, developers, installers, purchasers in the solar value chain), and other stakeholders to apply to the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG).  SolarPower Europe and Solar Energy UK launched the Solar Stewardship Initiative in October 2022, with the goal of ensuring and demonstrating responsibility, transparency, and sustainability across the solar value chain. 


Have your say on Supply Chain Sustainability

As part of the development of the SSI ESG Standard, the Solar Stewardship Initiative opened to public multistakeholder consultation in Q2 2023. Alexia Ruvoletto, Senior Policy Advisor at SolarPower Europe, presents the draft Standard to participants and explains how interested parties can provide feedback to the first solar supply chain standard of its kind.


How can we drive a more responsible, transparent, and sustainable solar value chain?

The Solar Stewardship Initiative held its launch webinar in October 2022. With introduction from Walburga Hemetsberger, CEO at SolarPower Europe and Giulia Giudi, the Solar Energy UK SSI Co-ordinator, this webinar sets out the SSI roadmap to a complete supply chain sustainability solution. Alexia Ruvoletto, Senior Policy Advisor at SolarPower Europe, takes participants through each step in the SSI journey.
