1. What is the mission of the Solar Stewardship Initiative?
The Solar Stewardship Initiative works collaboratively with manufacturers, developers, installers and purchasers across the global solar value chain to foster responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of materials.
Our mission is stated on our website, and can be found visiting: https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/about-ssi/
2. Why is the Solar Stewardship Initiative necessary?
Like in many other sectors, in solar it is difficult to visualise all the links in the global supply chain. Comprehensive supply chain monitoring makes possible to trace the origins of materials used in solar components. This means we can know, with a high level of certainty, that EU & UK solar products comply with international ESG standards.
There are existing verification options, with a few examples of standards of corporate social responsibility and due diligence practices undertaken by some SSI members already, such as: Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct; United Nations Global Compact Principles; SA8000 social standard, NSF/ANSI 457-2019 Sustainability Leadership Standards for PV modules and inverters. However, a comprehensive initiative dedicated to solar PV, combining all ESG requirements with product traceability does not exist yet, this is why the Solar Stewardship Initiative is necessary.
3. Who is behind the Solar Stewardship Initiative?
The work to develop the SSI began in 2021 through co-operation between SolarPower Europe and Solar Energy UK. This translated into a statement of intent from 60+ buyers and suppliers of solar products in October 2022. The SSI formally opened for membership at the end of 2023, and the current members can be found on our website visiting https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/about-ssi/members/.
Since December 2024. the SSI is in a transition phase and working to become a fully-fledged Multi-stakeholder Initiative by 2025 (add link to press release) consisting of a Board with representatives from buyers and sellers of solar modules, as well as relevant non-industry stakeholders including civil society, academic, and financial institution. The SSI Board members are stated on our website and can be found following this link: https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/about-ssi/governance/
4. What is a Multi-stakeholder Initiative?
Multi-stakeholder Initiatives (MSIs) are robust ESG assurance and certification schemes governed by balance of stakeholders including industry representatives and civil society who are independent of the relevant industry. MSIs typically rely on third-party, independent supply chain audits conducted against international and sector-specific ESG operating practice standards.
MSIs are founded on the principle of equal representation of all stakeholders in decision making, and transparent complaints mechanisms reinforcing the legitimacy and effectiveness of such initiatives. By uniting diverse stakeholders, including civil society, these initiatives create a broader, more inclusive platform for dialogue and action, leading to more comprehensive and sustainable solutions.
If you or your organisation are interested in joining the SSI as a civil society or other non-industry stakeholder, we invite you to get in touch.
Examples of successful MSIs include Fairtrade International, the Forest Stewardship Council, the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative, or the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance.
5. How does the SSI work?
The SSI sets standards (ESG Standard,Supply Chain Traceability Standard) for responsible solar production, sourcing, and stewardship to deliver a supply chain sustainability solution tailored to the business of solar.
Certification against the SSI Standards entails sites from manufacturing members must undergo an assessment by an SSI-approved, independent, third-party assessment body (see Assessment Bodies here).
The SSI is governed by a multi-stakeholder Board, appointed for two years, as the primary decision-making body of the initiative. The SSI Board members are stated on our website and can be found following this link: https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/about-ssi/governance/
The daily operations of the SSI are conducted by the Secretariat led by a CEO, who reports to the SSI Board. A dedicated team supports the Secretariat, and together they focus on implementing the SSI Standards and overseeing the certification system, communications and engagement with stakeholders.
6. How can my organisation join the Solar Stewardship Initiative?
There are different ways to join the SSI.
- For those interested in joining as members, we welcome applications from manufacturers, developers, installers, and purchasers in the solar value chain. More information can be found on our website, visiting https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/join-us/
- If you want to become an SSI-approved Assessment Body, more information can be found on our website, visiting https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/get-certified/assessmentbodies/
- We also receive applications from consultants. More information can be found on our website, visiting https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/get-certified/
- Any other stakeholders can apply to the Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) and Technical Advisory Group (TAG). More information can be found on our website, visiting https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/about-ssi/governance/
7. Who assesses site compliance with the SSI Standards?
The assessments of manufacturing sites are completed by independent Assessment Bodies (AB) which are approved by the SSI. Qualified independent assessors associated with approved ABs will verify a site’s compliance.
To learn more about SSI-approved Assessment Bodies, visit https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/get-certified/assessmentbodies/
8. How does site assessment and certification work?
Certification against the SSI Standards entails undergoing an assessment by an SSI-approved, independent, third-party assessment body.
Assessors visit a site and follow a rigorous methodology of verification, including unsupervised worker interviews, site walkthroughs, and documentation review.
Any major non-conformance means the site cannot qualify for any SSI certification. Minor non-conformance with the SSI Standards is permitted to a certain extent.
At certified or improving sites, regular surveillance assessments are conducted to confirm progress and continued compliance.
To learn more about the SSI Assurance Process, read the SSI Assurance Manual available on our website: https://www.solarstewardshipinitiative.org/app/uploads/2024/09/SSI-Assurance-Manual-V2.pdf
9. Will the SSI conduct audits in XUAR (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region)?
If Assessment Bodies cannot freely access a site, or region, then sites cannot be certified under the SSI, whether in XUAR (Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region) or anywhere else in the world.
The SSI will not conduct assessments or certifications for sites in regions that are inaccessible to unsupervised visits. The SSI is a tool to reinforce and demonstrate the credibility of sites that are freely accessible and are committed to upholding robust ESG and Traceability standards. There are sufficient accessible sites around the world for the SSI to build a certified network of solar suppliers.
10. Does the SSI evaluate all the links in the supply chain?
Yes, the SSI Supply Chain Traceability Standard (add link) aims to trace materials, particularly silicon, throughout the entire solar value chain—from quartzite mining to solar module production. The goal is to establish an unbroken chain of custody, ensuring that certified materials remain distinct from non-certified ones.
With the implementation of both the ESG and Supply Chain Traceability Standards, the SSI seeks to provide comprehensive assurance of responsible practices across all links in the solar supply chain.
11. Does the SSI replace supply chain sustainability laws or exempt companies from the application of such laws?
No, the SSI does not replace supply chain sustainability laws or exempt companies from the application of, or liability under, such laws. On the contrary, the SSI intends to support the effective implementation of relevant legislation.
Supply chains, and reinforcing their sustainability, can be complex – that’s why solutions have a number of components.
First is establishing clear legal market access standards. The European Union is currently developing two pieces of vital supply chain sustainability legislation – the Forced Labour Ban and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. These laws are based on OECD Guidance and UN Guiding Principles, which also form the foundation of the Solar Stewardship Initiative. Command from these laws is critical in driving industry to do their homework and giving businesses concrete directions on how to demonstrate compliance with European ESG values.
It is then businesses’ responsibility to ensure compliance with these laws, and regulators’ competency to enforce these rules. The SSI does not act as a replacement for these laws, nor does SSI membership negate a business’ liability to comply with law and perform its own environmental and human rights due diligence.
Multi-stakeholder Initiatives can support the intended impact of, and compliance with law. The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive recognises the role of Multi-stakeholder initiatives in supporting businesses in fulfilling their obligations under the law.
Industry and civil society must work together to reinforce supply chain traceability and ESG standards, and this can be done through Multi-stakeholder Initiatives.
The SSI is aligned with and will continue to ensure its alignment with EU and relevant legislation. The SSI is committed to supporting the implementation of the legislation, by helping business understand their compliance needs and how to meet them. The SSI is working to provide guidance on due diligence requirements both to its members and the broader solar industry, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Beyond compliance with law and the non-negotiable respect for human rights, the SSI employs OECD Guidance on leveraging buyer pressure. Efforts like the SSI empower product buyers to join together to demonstrate demand for high performing ESG products, supporting a race to the top for ESG standards.
12. Does the SSI address reports of forced labour taking place in the solar supply chain?
Yes. The SSI does not certify sites complicit in forced labour. This is embedded in the SSI Standards and Assurance Manual (find these here). By refusing to conduct assessments or certifications in sites or regions that are not freely accessible, the SSI contributes to the marginalisation of businesses who fail to uphold strong ESG standards.
13. Will the results of assessments be published for transparency reasons?
Yes, the different levels achieved by certified sites (Bronze, Silver, Gold) will be publicly available on our website. The summary of the results from audits will be summarised and posted on the SSI website. Sites found to be in breach of human rights or using forced labour, will not be certified at any level. There are incentives for sites to improve their level by reassessments that are planned yearly. Sites will be given a corrective action plan if they did not receive Gold level certification in the first year.
14. What if I suspect that an assessment or certification has been falsified?
Breaching SSI Assessment Procedure is not tolerated. If you have a complaint, we encourage you to follow the SSI Complaints and Appeals process to ensure a fair and thorough resolution. Your feedback is crucial in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the Solar Stewardship Initiative.
Complainants raising a complaint with the SSI do not need to disclose their identity if they choose to maintain their anonymity. Confidential concerns will be handled with utmost discretion, and disclosure will only occur if there is a legal or regulatory obligation to do so.
15. What is the validity of the SSI certificate?
The SSI certificate is valid for three years, after which re-certification takes place, regardless of the level of certification the site has achieved.
The SSI Assurance Manual provides a schedule for surveillance and re-certification depending on the level achieved on the last assessment.
Sites that achieve Silver or Bronze during certification can request an optional reassessment after one year which may result in a grade change.
16. Does SSI membership mean that SSI members are certified under the SSI Standards?
SSI membership does not mean that a member is SSI certified.
Being an SSI member means that a company has signed the SSI Principles, therefore committing to apply the SSI Standards in its operations and encourage its adoption along its supply chain. Admission to SSI membership by the SSI Board, requires a preliminary due diligence check performed by the SSI Secretariat, as described in the SSI Policy of Association. This due diligence check is not a formal certification and does not replace the certification against the SSI Standards.
When a manufacturer joins the SSI as a member, it commits to complete an assessment against the SSI Standards for at least two of its production sites within 12 months.
The list of SSI-certified production sites can be accessed one SSI website.
17. What is the importance of independent third-party assessments?
The SSI assurance scheme is based on on-site, independent third-party assessments. These are more robust and credible than voluntary disclosures and self-assessments because they assess compliance to standard requirements in an impartial manner. Third-party assessments play a crucial role in enhancing consumer trust by providing independent validation. Qualified and impartial assessors review policies, procedures and practices at a specific site to determine if they are implemented and effective. Interviews with stakeholders and workers also take place and any information received is cross-checked to support assessment conclusions and obtain an accurate picture of the site’s practices. Any gaps identified must be addressed by a fixed deadline and regular surveillance assessments take place to verify that the site continues to be in compliance with the requirements in the Standard.
18. Can a company exclusively rely on the SSI to fulfil its due diligence obligations?
No. There is no certification or standard that can substitute a company’s own environmental and human rights due diligence required by the UN Guiding Principles, OECD Guidelines, and EU and national law.
However, SSI members can rely on the SSI for continuous guidance and support in performing their duties and once available, on the data stemming from SSI assessments.
19. What requirements do the SSI Assessment Bodies have to fulfil?
The requirements to become an SSI-approved Assessment Body are reflected on the Assessment Body and Assessor Approval Procedure.
This procedure ensures audit companies, and their individual assessors follow best auditing practices, are independent, and have the required technical knowledge to evaluate requirements in the SSI Standards.
20. What share of the supply chain and how many sites are assured by the SSI?
When joining the SSI, each member commits to applying the SSI Standards within its entire operations and encouraging their adoption along its supply chain.
When a manufacturer member joins the SSI, it commits to submit at least two (2) of its production sites for assessment against the SSI Standards within 12 months. The SSI Board is currently discussing ambitious certification targets for supply chain penetration and market coverage for the following years.
21. Does the SSI offer guidance on how to handle state-imposed forced labour?
It is the role of governments to set law that establishes the consequences of breaching international standards of human rights by companies and/or third countries. Accordingly, the EU has set two important pieces of legislation, the EU Forced Labour Ban and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).
In addition, the European Commission has provided the Guidance on due diligence for eu businesses to address the risk of forced labour in their operations and supply chains.
The SSI is designed to support companies to fulfil their obligations under EU and relevant supply chain sustainability legislation and thereby can contribute to help companies implement such legislation.