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The Solar Stewardship Initiative updates its Core Documents to strengthen responsible solar supply chains

The Solar Stewardship Initiative (SSI) has updated its Core Documents – the Claims Guide, Assurance Manual, Complaints & Appeals Mechanism, and Assessment Body and Assessor Approval Procedure to ensure they continue to evolve alongside the Initiative’s growth and reflect the newly published SSI Traceability Standard. These updates reinforce the SSI’s commitment to robust governance, transparency, and best practices in responsible solar supply chains.

The Assurance Manual has been expanded to integrate the SSI Traceability Standard, clarify the tender process and order of assessments, and provide additional guidance on assessment techniques, certification, and grade changes.

The Claims Guide has been revised to more precisely define eligibility for claims, explicitly require verifiable evidence, and introduce third-party verification for certain claims, strengthening the credibility of sustainability claims within the solar sector.

The Complaints & Appeals Mechanism now incorporates ISEAL best practices, introduces a key principles section, and enhances the submission process, ensuring greater transparency and accessibility.

The Assessment Body and Assessor Approval Procedure ensures establishes the procedure for approval of Assessment Bodies and Assessors in order to ensure assessments are conducted by qualified, independent, and competent parties in alignment with SSI standards.

The updated Core Documents are now available on the SSI website.